Hi, I’m Linda.

Consultant, Speaker, and Author

No matter how educated, talented, healed, evolved, happy, and awake you are you will be triggered at some point during your time as a family caregiver. How you treat yourself when this happens determines how you’ll feel during this time and will also dictate how you are able to care for your loved one.

The overall mission of my work, whether with private clients or when speaking from the stage, is to leave you with the certainty that where you begin your journey as a family caregiver is good enough. 

When you know this in a deep-hearted way, you can pause, breathe, and begin talking and acting from a place of rest and certainty rather than from the more unconscious places of reactivity, worry, and anxiety. 

It’s often messy, and your responsibility is to be clear about your intentions, be kind, respectful, and speak your truth.

I will guide you to find the right words — your words — for you and your elder loved one, while discussing sensitive topics. I will also remind you of the extraordinary opportunity for healing (for all) that is possible when you dare to look at the deeper meanings of what is unfolding for you through this difficult time.

My story.

At a young age I learned how to be out of my body in order to survive the extreme trauma in my family home. Another way of saying this is that I looked like I was present, but I wasn’t.

I’ve spent a good part of my adult life learning not only how to return to my body for guidance but also developing different perspectives about my struggles that brought me towards many opportunities for transformation.

I knew for a long time that the many adversities I faced, including having cancer three times and the associated inner transformations, would be brought into the world of caregiving.

As a private caregiver for over 14 years I supported many people, and mostly elders.  While no longer offering private care-giving services, I’ve transitioned into providing support as a consultant, teacher, and speaker; all for family caregivers. I’ve had clients with a large variety of needs and I’ve witnessed many successful (and unsuccessful) ways of opening the communication that leads to help for your loved one. I founded The Caregiver’s Heart so I could support families who are caring for a loved one and not only with the “nuts ’n bolts” but equally if not more importantly, with what I call the soft skills.

My education.

I earned a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Oregon and additionally spent 21 years working with disabled infants, young children, and their parents in their home. Because I encountered a wide variety of lifestyles and communications styles, I became highly skilled in clear non-judgmental communication.

I’ve also received training in NVC (Non Violent Communication). This training reminds me that we all have important needs, not just me!  Recognizing these needs is a vital part of self-care and compassion. It taught me how to make requests so everyone’s needs get met.

Lastly, I attended four and a half years of intensive study at The Jaffe Institute of Spiritual and Medical Healing (now known as The University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism/USHS). After graduating, I became an assistant teacher for one year. The USHS curriculum focused on healing from the level of the heart and soul. The first year was entirely about healing the healer and while the remaining years continued this process there was also emphasis on learning how to help others heal.

I am a contributing author to the updated edition of the book Eldercare 101, published in July 2023.